Join Us!
Since 1893, we have been ambassadors of Texas A&M. Performing concerts each year take us across the state of Texas, throughout the country, and often around the world. Our membership ranges across all skill levels. Corps membership is not required! We invite you to come join the Singing Cadets and help us represent the best university in the world.
Audition Process – You can audition now for the Fall 2024 Semester!!!
- Email the Director of the Singing Cadets, David Kipp, at [email protected] or sign up by clicking HERE. You will audition in-person (or in some cases, via Zoom) at the selected time with Mr. Kipp.
- Warm up your voice prior to the audition.
- All auditions will be in-person (or through Zoom) at the appointed time
- During that audition you will sing acapella the first verse of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” melody in multiple keys (medium, high, and low), given to you by the Director to help with voicing and overall voice quality.
- You will then “sightread” a short melody (sent to you). You are welcome to use any sight-reading technique, including singing it all on “lah.”
- Singing Cadet auditions will also include a short interview with members of the Singing Cadets in-person or via Zoom at a later time.
- When informed of acceptance you will register for the Singing Cadets as a part of registration (during New Student Conferences for incoming students). MUSC 290-501 – SINGING CADETS.
- You will receive a few communications throughout the summer preparing you for your entrance as a Singing Cadet.
- Prior to the first week of class (typically the weekend before classes start) there will be an orientation meeting for all members to go over the procedures, expectations, concert dress, schedule, etc.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Director, David Kipp at [email protected].
Auditions for Fall 2024 will be in-person or via Zoom, whichever is more convenient for you. The most important thing to consider before auditioning is our rehearsal times. Our rehearsals are held during normal class periods as listed below and the choir rehearses 4 days a week. Please make sure that your schedule allows for these times.
Rehearsal Times
- Monday and Wednesday: 3:00 – 3:50 PM
- Tuesday and Thursday: 3:55 – 5:10 PM
Audition Dates
Open auditions are held during the previous semester and during New Student Conferences each semester. You are welcome to contact us for an audition at any time. However, if accepted, membership will not begin until the next full semester.
To set up an audition time, you can email the Director of the Singing Cadets, David Kipp at [email protected] or click HERE
The Aggienizors and The Quad
The Singing Cadets also have two vocal ensemble quartets called the Aggienizors and the Quad. They are barbershop quartets that are auditioned for from within the Singing Cadets each fall.